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Cats + Behavior & Training

  • Foraging toys are designed to provide mental and physical exercise and enjoyment by simulating hunting and seeking for food. Both dogs and cats are natural hunters and scavengers. They benefit from exercising this part of their brain on a regular basis. Providing enrichment in the form of foraging toys can decrease boredom, improve enjoyment, and encourage dogs and cats to engage in species-specific behaviors in a desirable way.

  • Foraging toys are great for dogs and cats. They can be filled with treats or with the pet's regular food as an alternative to feeding from a dish. They offer mental and physical exercise while also providing benefits from sensory stimulation as they search for their meals. Dogs in particular benefit from the opportunity to solve puzzles in order to access food.

  • Seeking guidance before obtaining a new pet can prevent many behavior and health problems in pets. Such a consultation will help you select the best pet for the household, but also provide information on how to prepare in advance for the new arrival.

  • Marker-based training such as clicker training is a positive reinforcement technique that allows great precision and can help animals learn complex behaviors. Charging the marker, marking correctly, and building a reinforcement plan will help with successful training.

  • Tellington TTouch is a technique developed by Linda Tellington-Jones for conditioning relaxation through gentle massage. The technique can be used in behavior modification programs designed to treat stress and anxiety in people and many species of animals.

  • The birth of a baby or the adoption of a new child can be associated with both excitement and stress. It is important to prepare your pet for the new addition. Before the baby arrives, introduce novel sounds and scents, and be sure your pet has access to safe resting spaces. Socialize your young pet to children from the start. Children should be directly supervised by an adult when they interact with pets.

  • Behavior Counseling: Diagnosing a Behavior Problem - Is It Medical or Behavioral?

    Los problemas de comportamiento pueden deberse a causas médicas, psicológicas o a una combinación de ambas. Una historia clínica minuciosa, un examen físico completo y una serie de pruebas diagnósticas apropiadas determinarán si hay alguna enfermedad que influya en el problema.

  • La desensibilización sistemática es un método de adiestramiento utilizado para reducir el comportamiento indeseable de un animal en respuesta a un determinado objeto o situación. Es la forma más efectiva de tratar miedos y fobias.

  • Dexmedetomidine is a sedative/tranquilizer used primarily in cats and dogs as a pre-medication injection for anesthesia or for chemical restraint. It is also used orally in dogs for short-term anxiety management. The most common side effect is a low heart rate. Dexmedetomidine should not be used in patients with severe heart liver or kidney disease. It should be used cautiously in young, old, or weak animals. Consult your veterinary office immediately if you suspect a negative reaction or overdose.

  • Many veterinarians, including nutritionists and behaviorists, believe it is important for dogs and cats to express their natural foraging and hunting behaviors. For pets living indoors, this can be difficult, and the lack of this stimulation can sometimes lead to behavior problems. Enriching a pet's environment with food toys and puzzles at mealtimes can fulfill the need to forage. The use of toys, puzzles and other novel methods of food delivery can also be effective ways to increase daily movement in overweight or inactive pets.