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Breed Characteristics + English

  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier loves his family with a passion, especially the juvenile members - this breed's devotion to children is legendary.

  • What makes the Standard Schnauzer so compelling? Maybe it is the distinctive beard and mustache supporting the long muzzle that captures our attention, or those eyes that seem to be scrutinizing with an insatiable curiosity and perhaps even skepticism.

  • Sugar gliders are small, nocturnal mammals with a social and curious nature. They are also marsupials, meaning they possess a pouch in which the female raises her young. This handout describes the sugar glider's physical and behavioral characteristics along with recommendations for choosing one to be your pet.

  • At first glance he may look like a short-legged Cocker Spaniel, and it is true, the Sussex Spaniel is one of the more unusual spaniel breeds. He is also one of the rarest of all AKC breeds, perhaps because he tends to be, shall we say... talkative, especially if left out of the fun. Otherwise, this mild-mannered spaniel makes a great pal and an easygoing, often overlooked family pet.

  • The Swedish Vallhund is an alert, active, playful dog, always ready to join in whatever adventure you have in mind. He's devoted to family, especially good with children, and friendly to strangers.

  • There are many methods and opinions described by various people to tame and train birds. This handout is designed to give some guidance to you during this process. Your patience may be strained, and you may sustain some bites, but the rewards of your new relationship with your bird will be fulfilling and long-lasting.

  • Getting a purebred dog comes with some pros and cons. You know what you are getting but also run a higher risk for genetically tied health problems. Do a little research before selecting a new pup, purebred or otherwise, and remember this: whatever you name your dog, you will call him 'yours' no matter what he looks like!

  • The Tibetan Mastiff has been a guardian for centuries, and she remains territorial, independent, and strong willed. While devoted and gentle to her family, her sheer size can topple a youngster.

  • The Tibetan Spaniel is a lovely dog, both charming and fascinating. The Tibetan Spaniel has the intriguing quality of being a quiet dog - until, that is, he discovers someone with whom he's not familiar. This small breed's beauty lies in his full-size confidence.

  • The adaptable, affable Tibetan Terrier is a great choice for the dog owner whose idea of exercise is a walk around the block. Although the long coat can be challenging to care for, it is well worth the effort when admirers stop during a stroll to ooh and ahh over this dog.