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  • Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes and lymphatic system. This cancer may be localized to one particular region, or may spread throughout the entire body. Lymphoma is a relatively common cancer, accounting for 15-20% of new cancer diagnoses in dogs. The prognosis for lymphoma varies, depending on various characteristics that can only be determined by specialized testing.

  • The most common forms of cutaneous lymphoma are epitheliotropic lymphoma and dermal lymphoma. No specific risk factors or causes have been identified in the development of cutaneous lymphoma. Generally, cutaneous lymphoma can appear as various-sized irritated, ulcerated, or infected patches anywhere on the skin, including the gums, nose, or lip margins. These areas may become ulcerated and bleed, or become crusted. Secondary infections are possible. By far, the most common treatment for cutaneous lymphoma is chemotherapy. Unfortunately, the response to treatment, although initially encouraging, is typically short-lived, with gradual return of the tumors.

  • Ferrets can suffer from tumors in any part of their body, ranging from benign cancers of the skin to aggressive malignant tumors of internal organs. The clinical signs depend on the type of tumor, the organ involved, and the stage of the disease. For a dedicated owner with an otherwise healthy-looking patient, treatment with chemotherapy is a very good option.

  • Lysosomal storage diseases are a rare collection of conditions that are inherited. Many of them are more prevalent in certain breeds and are seen in the first few months of life. Clinical signs vary depending on the type of disease, but commonly include failure to thrive, incoordination, vision loss, and seizure. Prognosis is usually poor for long-term survival.

  • Macaws are the largest members of the parrot family. They are high maintenance birds that require a great deal of space to house. They also require a lot of daily affection and attention. Their vocalizations tend to be loud, harsh, penetrating squawks. Their impressively large beak can be exceedingly destructive. Some commonly kept macaws include the blue and gold macaw, scarlet macaw, severe macaw, green-winged macaw, and the hyacinth macaw. Despite the exotic appeal of macaws, they are unsuitable for many households and family situations due to their loud screeching, destructive behavior, and great need for daily attention and time out of their cages. Macaws may be purchased from pet stores or reputable breeders or adopted from rescue organizations. After bringing your new bird home, you should have it examined by a veterinarian familiar with birds to help ensure that it is healthy. Like all other pet birds, macaws require annual, routine veterinary health check-ups.

  • Bacterial overgrowth is a condition of the small intestine resulting in increased numbers of bowel bacteria. The major concern with bacterial overgrowth is the development of a condition called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. The bacteria cause damage to the surface of the bowel so digested food cannot be absorbed resulting in malabsorption of nutrients. Malabsorption and SIBO both result in diarrhea but with bacterial overgrowth the diarrhea is chronic. Many cases respond to long term antibiotics.

  • There are several different types of malignant mammary tumors, with carcinomas being the most common. Carcinomas arise from epithelial (skin) cells, tubules of the mammary glands, or other cells found in the mammary chain. The size of the masses and their appearance may vary, but they are usually firm and nodular. Occasionally, the skin over the mass may ulcerate (open) and bleed, and the affected area may feel warm to the touch and become painful. Detecting and treating these tumors when they are small, and before spread has occurred, will provide your dog with the best chance for long-term control.

  • Glamorous and sweet, gentle and spirited, the Maltese has a long history as a treasured lap dog, sleeve dog, and close personal companion, especially to ladies at court. It is not hard to see why - the Maltese has the look of a tiny white angel and the manners to match.

  • Sleek and handsome in black-and-tan with his whip-like tail and his prick ears, the Manchester Terrier is one of the original terriers, and carries himself with all the majesty and confidence befitting an aristocrat. Even so, the Manchester is not above a good hard chase after a critter, and most will curl warmly into the laps of their favorite people so you can admire them up close, of course.

  • Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an immune system disorder in which the dog's immune system identifies the dog's own muscle tissue as foreign and attacks it.